January 1, 2016 forecast for the Middle East and the World!
January 1st, 2016

2016 promises to be explosive for both the East and the West. What does Martin Zoller’s psychic forecast say? How is the general situation in the Middle East? How is it in the major capitals of the world? What will be the faith of our politicians? FM met Martin Zoller to learn about his visions for this year.
According to the famous psychic, the existing fronts will be “hotter” and there will be no real solutions to the conflicts in countries that are at war or experiencing tensions. The political influence of the international community will be able to control existing conflicts, but no real peace is looming on the horizon, nor stability.
Martin Zoller ensures that: "The power struggle between Iran and Saudi Arabia will intensify through a new proxy conflict. Iran will be able to strengthen its position in relation to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia will have to deal with internal power struggles in its own country that will weaken it. Daesh (ISIS) will continue to be strong; its action will expand to Western countries. We shall see lots of instability and insecurity. "
Will Lebanon suffer from terrorism? Will there be assassinations of political figures?
"Daesh (ISIS) and other terrorist groups from Syria will increase their activities against Lebanon, massively and repeatedly, crossing the country’s border. Unrest and violence will resume in Tripoli, and on the North side of the country. Beirut will experience several attacks, but there will be no assassinations of influential political figures. Economically, the country will remain stable.”
An important religious personality from abroad will visit Lebanon. It’s no question that a president will be elected in 2016.
According to Martin Zoller, Hezbollah will continue to be strongly involved in Syria, without truly weakening it. A violent conflict breaks out between Israel and Hezbollah, and blood will flow. The nature of this violence is not to conduct an open war, but to attack specific individuals or entities. There will be deaths on both sides, and Hezbollah will lose one of its leaders. An Israeli attack will take place on Lebanese territory. Hezbollah will kill Israelis, either in a group or during a meeting. These mutual attacks take place around May. There will not be an open war or conflict between Sunnis and Shiites in Lebanon.
Will Lebanon extract its oil from the sea in 2016? No ‒ not yet.
Will the Syrian conflict be resolved? Will Bashar Assad stay in power?
Yes, ensures Zoller. "Bashar al-Assad will remain in power. The country is moving, through small steps, towards a peaceful solution. However, there will not be a peace agreement, yet, this year. The government will continue to strengthen its position. Syria will not fall apart into “mini-states”.
What does 2016 bring for Europe and the USA?
For Europe, a very difficult year is looming on the horizon. Conflicts will be caused not only by foreigners, but also by aggressive reactions from their own people. 2016 will be remembered as a year that will change the course of Europe. Not only that, but 2016 and 2017 will be critical for Europe and its stability!
In the United States, the presidential elections will be shadowed by a tragic event. The country will become even more dictatorial than before. Economically, the country will remain stable. Political conflicts between the United States and other countries will get worse. The political establishment will cause a verbal conflict with a high religious institution. Religious freedom will become increasingly limited, and they’ll lose direct influence in the Middle East. In 2016, the United States will focus more on their internal problems and less on global issues.
Psychic forecast for Lebanese politicians
Samir Geagea: His political position is stable. It will be possible for him to maintain a healthy and positive political and economic environment, despite the obstacles crossing his path.
Hassan Nasrallah: He will struggle within his party and endure difficult moments, but he will be in control. There will be no weakness in stability or political power.
Sami Gemayel: Rivals will try to harm him. Someone from his own camp will stand up against him and try to weaken him. The year will be difficult, and he must be careful.
Saad Hariri: He will retain his power and become even stronger. His political career is far from being over.
Walid Jumblatt: This year he will become very important as a mediator. He must be careful with his heart. A checkup might be necessary.
Nabih Berry: Has personal, and not political, changes on the horizon. He will remain in his position and exert the same power.
Michel Aoun: The first half of the year will be good. During the second half, he will have to work through financial problems. He will receive very important support from abroad, but will not become President.
Sleiman Franjieh: His political future is very promising; he has many trump cards in his hands.
February 1st, 2016
Unrest and violence will resume in Tripli
March 22, 2016
Daesh attacks Brussels
May 13, 2016
Hezbollah will lose one of its leaders
June 13, 2016
The United States’ presidential elections will be shadowed by a tragic event. The Orlando terror attack is the worst mass shooting in modern US history.
July 15, 2016
Daesh (ISIS) will continue to be strong; its action will expand to Western countries. We shall see lots of instability and insecurity:
Paris, Toulouse, Istanbul, USA, Nizza…
July 16, 2016
"Around May 2016 Hezbollah will lose one of its leaders and Israelis will be killed, either in a group or during a meeting" (the involved actors where not confirmed yet, but the events toke place as predicted):
- May 13, top Hezbollah Commander Mustafa Amine Bedreddine Killed in Syria - June 9, Tel Aviv shooting at Market, inside a Restaurant kills four Israelis and leaves at least five people injured.
July 22, 2016
"Daesh (ISIS) will increase their activities against Lebanon, massively and repeatedly, crossing the country’s border. Unrest and violence will increase in the North of the country."
July 23, 2016
"Around May an Israeli attack will take place on Lebanese territory."
October 31, 2016
"It’s no question that a president will be elected in 2016."