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OUTCOME prophecies "Forecast for Trump's Presidency"

- "Donald Trump is going to add power and influence to the US presidency.": By acting radical and non diplomatically, Trump gave himself and his administration a lot of power and toke very controversial decisions.

- "He will greatly influence the courts and reorient the law.": Trump was able to choose two Supreme Court judges, in April 2017 he nominated judge Neil Gorsuch and on October 2018 conservative judge Brett Kavanaugh.

- "Trump will start to fight the “enemy” from within, at the same time the US is loosening its control across the globe. The political mid-term orientation of Trump’s administration is seeing the enemy more within the country and not only abroad.": Trumps controversial politic split the country. Radical racism, hatred, violence against minorities became a huge problem. At the same time, Trump has to fight against „enemies“ within his own administration (such as the case of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein).

- "Within the first two years of his term, Trump will face severe difficulties. He will have to yield power internally. This does not mean that the administration will change, but that he will have to share power.": Trumps first two years where full of difficulties, contradictions and internal power struggle and conspiracies within the White House. At the midterm elections the Republicans lost the House. Trump is loosing some of his influence, he „has to share power“.

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