Psychic Powers Helped to Find a Missing Plane in Bolivia

On Monday, March 22,1999, a Piper PA 32 left Yaguacua in the south of Bolivia near the Argentine border. Their destination was Santa Cruz de la Sierra. On board of the plane were six people. In Santa Cruz, friends and family of the passengers and the crew waited in vain for the aircraft. The weather conditions were good and the experienced pilot knew the route. Still, the plane never arrived and nobody knew what happened. Four days passed and still there was no news about the missing plane. On the fourth night I was asked to help find the missing plane. I studied the aura of each one of passengers and saw that they where still alive. I gave insights about the health condition of each one of them. On a map, I made a circle to indicate where the missing plane could be found.
The next day, several planes flew to the location I indicated on the map. At the exact place I indicated, the plane was found, the passengers were alive and in the condition in which I saw them. The news about how I helped to find the missing plane was publicized by the national and international press. Article from El Dia from March 28, 1999: Psychic gave exact coordinates The psychic, Martin Zoller, gave the exact coordinates as to where to find the crashed plane. He also gave insights about the good health condition of each one of the passengers. LIndo Cortez, brother of copilot Juan Lorenzo Cortez, confirmed that the psychic indicated the right place. Go to the article...