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Remote Viewing Forecast for Ukraine



Forecast for Ukraine: The Government in Kiev will not be able to keep up stability, even not in Kiev. Death, either by killing of high-ranking politician(s) or symbolically by “killing” the stability of the Government, will bring up a new crisis in the countries capital. The “war” will be brought back to the streets of Kiev. A neutral institution such as church or NGO, UN will help to negotiate in the east of the country. This will help to control the situation. Conflicts and violence between Ukrainians is the biggest risk for peace. Blood will be spread not only in the east of the country but also in other regions. Bombs and explosions will interrupt daily life of civilians. The conflict will expand between civilians and not from Army to Army. Energetically the country is in the same position as Syria. Not by it’s insensitivity but as proxy war. USA and Ukraine: The USA will be able to keep its influence, for now. In a slow process the local Government will go on distance to the USA. In a long run the USA won’t be able to bring the country fully on its side. Russia and Ukraine: By economically and NOT military force Russia will be able to keep the country to some extend under control.Ukraine: Internal conflicts and greed won’t allow the country to become strong. The country will not be able to have a strong and stable Government. If there is a direct consequence since the first upraising and the conflict it is this: The country will become even weaker than it was before.

Ukraine: Internal conflicts and greed won’t allow the country to become strong. The country will not be able to have a strong and stable Government.

If there is a direct consequence since the first upraising and the conflict it is this: The country will become even weaker than it was before. > Link to publication


May 2nd, 2014

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Four people were killed and 37 wounded as rival rallies clashed in Ukraine's port-city of Odessa.

July 12, 2014

The country is suffering an open and violent conflict. Images like in Syria are on TV.

August 25, 2014

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