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2019 for China/USA, Europe, Middle East, South America, Finances and Crypto

January 25, 2019

(Normally I publish my predictions according to the visions I receive. This time I did it different. I gave my readers end of 2018 the possibility to send me emails to countries or topics they want me to analyse. Following my analysis of the topics asked mostly.)

China and the USA

There is no trade war on the horizon for this year, and the relationship between both countries will be stable. Around the middle of the year, both countries will sign a document or agreement calming down the ongoing conflict. On the military side, things look different. Tension will increase. A war will not begin, but tension becomes tight. From 2019 onwards, Taiwan will be the loser in this conflict.


Austria: The government will experience internal difficulties but then be able to overcome them. On an economical level, the country will be stable.

Germany: Financially it won’t be an easy year. The country won’t be able to keep up with growth. Politically, no major blows are expected. Angela Merkel will stay in power. Her weakness is much more on a personal level than on a political one.

Hungary: The country will take a stronger stance and gain more influence. It will be able to keep its economy up. Political scandals won’t change the direction of the country. The government will take an even more autocratic direction. Although the west may see this is a wrong direction, economically it does not affect or hurt the country´s development.

Switzerland: An election, vote or political decision regarding something what controls the citizens or their rights will create controversy. Economically the country will do fine.

Europe general: No mayor recession is foreseen. In many aspects, 2019 will be a follow up of 2018. It’s not so much a year of building or initiating something new, but moving forward, in the same direction. The European parliament elections will lead to a new direction! The outcome and new direction of the elections will be one of the major changes for the continent. Europe will be doing well by building up its image as a continent of banana republics. BREXIT won’t affect the continent´s economy too hard. Europe – Russian relationship won’t change too much. The sanctions will become harder and hit both parties stronger.


Europe will be able to straighten economical bonds towards the east. Worldwide, the economy won’t be too strong but at the same time no worldwide recession has to be expected for this year.

Gold will do better in the first half, then it will lose value, before stabilizing again.

Silver Stays strong, worth to invest. It keeps its same position.

Oil Difficult year for oil. Will have two major loses in this year. Failing regulations or control of production will produce hard times.

Euro A normal/positive year for the currency

Crypto (BIT): Tougher regulations will give them a difficult time, especially in the first half of the year. Second half of the year the currencies will become stronger, specially towards the end of this year.

South America

Brazil: The new government will build up trust for foreign investors. Some laws or even the constitution will be changed. Control of power will not be by violence but by tightening the law.


Read already published prediction

Middle East

Israel: Economically not many changes compared to last year. A new conflict with Lebanon is on the horizon. So far, Israel was able to keep the conflict with Syria outside its land borders. This year, the conflict will be felt and experienced inside the country.

Lebanon: 2019 is not a good year for the country. The government won’t be able to move on and increasing threats of an open conflict with Israel will create a difficult time for the country.

Yemen: Breakthroughs on a political level will slow down the conflict to some extent. A mayor explosion in a big harbour will shock the country.

KSA: No major changes in the government. MBS will be able to calm down the turbulences of last year. His government will stop the liberal position it took towards its own citizens. Internal tensions will become stronger.

Iran: The Russia – Iran – Turkey relationship will strengthen. The government will be able to work around the sanctions. No regime change this year. Economically trade with abroad will increase.


April 11, 2019


Angela Merkel will stay in power. Her weakness is much more on a personal level than on a political one.


Angela Merkel's mother died


Crypto (BIT): Tougher regulations will give them a difficult time, especially in the first half of the year.


China considers Bitcoin mining ban

April 12, 2019


Switzerland: An election, vote or political decision regarding something what controls the citizens or their rights will create controversy.


Historical decision - first time in Switzerlands history: Vote on marriage penalty is invalid

The Federal Supreme Court has annulled the referendum on the marriage penalty - this has never happened before.


Austria: The government will experience internal difficulties but then be able to overcome them.


When it recently turned out that the head of the Identitarian Movement (IBÖ) in Austria had received a substantial donation from the Christchurch assassin, it was only a matter of time before history grew into a moderate coalition crisis.

May 21, 2019


Austria: The government will experience internal difficulties but then be able to overcome them.


days before key European Union elections, Austria's coalition government was plunged into crisis and collapsed. (The crisis was foreseen right, not the outcome)

June 27, 2019



Regarding Angela Merkel ...Her weakness is much more on a personal level than on a political one.


Germany’s Angela Merkel seen shaking again, raising health fears

September 20, 2019

Israel: A new conflict with Lebanon is on the horizon.

Lebanon: The government won’t be able to move on and increasing threats of an open conflict with Israel will create a difficult time for the country.


Last month’s drone attack on Beirut’s southern suburbs was the “most dangerous” escalation by Israel since the July 2006 war, Lebanon’s defense minister said. (The Daily Star)

More News:

- South Front 4. 9. 19

- TV 7 Israel News 3. 9. 19

October 6, 2019


Lebanon: 2019 is not a good year for the country. The government won’t be able to move on and increasing threats of an open conflict with Israel will create a difficult time for the country.


How Lebanon Stopped Being a Country – and Turned Into a Bankrupt Corporation Rockets are not the only threat to Israel from its northern neighbour: The country is in a deep economic crisis that could lead to its collapse and civil revolt (Haaretz)

December 17, 2019


Lebanon: Increasing threats of an open conflict with Israel will create a difficult time for the country.


Increasing tensions between Israel and Lebanon are creating fears of a new conflict between the two nations. This events are considered to be the most dangerous confrontation between both countries since the 2006 war with Israel and Lebanon.

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