Fidel Castro is Back on Stage

Interview in "La Estrella del Oriente"/Santa Cruz, Bolivia. August 04, 2006. (Translated from Spanish) Psychic Martin Zoller is sure that Fidel Castro will be around for a long time. Swiss psychic Martin Zoller, currently in the USA talks about the situation in Cuba and Fidel Castro’s health. "Everyone who hopes that Fidel will die or is death already has to wait for a long time” (Martin Zoller) Martin Zoller with his strong and proven track record predicted among many other things the end of former (Bolivian) presidents Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada and Carlos D. Mesa. Martin anticipated the tragic events of “black February” and “black October”. He also talked about the future of the current president of the Republic, Evo Morales Ayma. Interviewed by “La Estrella del Oriente”, he revealed the true condition of Fidel Castro and the situation in Cuba. According to the clairvoyant, the dictator who has spent almost half a century in power will remain close to the power for a long time. He also commented that Castro's health would improve slowly. When asked about the Commander’s death, he said, “It will not be very soon!” His brother Raul who will take the power Zoller said. (Question) Martin Zoller, Fidel Castro is ill and people in Miami are celebrating his death. What can you say to this? To all those celebrating his death I have to say that I don’t see him death very soon. I see that there will be an improvement in his health, and the operation they are doing with now will help. (Question) Will Fidel Castro return to politics or leave the power in the hands of his brother Raul? He will return to power after he recovered. He will not leave all the power in is brother’s hand. (Question) So you think that Raul will take power in Cuba or not? Well, Raul will probably take power but Fidel won’t disappear from the political platform. Raul will become President but not for too long and then Fidel will also be back in power. Fidel is older but he won’t leave the power soon. Everyone hopes that Fidel dies these days will have to wait for some more time. (Question) Can you see if Cuba takes this year or when Fidel dies a completely different direction? There won’t be any big changes this coming year. Even after his death won’t be a huge change from one day to the next. Once Fidel Castro is death the same Elite will remain in power. (Question) Will with Fidel’s problems be any change in Bolivia? I don’t see any big change in Bolivia. Regardless what happens with Fidel and Cuba, Bolivia will continue the direction of today. Link to the interview
July 13, 2010 the world press covered the return of "el Comandante" Fidel Castro! Spiegel Online titled Fidel as "Relaxed, aggressive, good-humored". Fidel Castro is officially back on the political stage. During his absent period his brother Raul was in power with Fidel looking over everything. My visions are confirmed!