The Unexpected Winner of Miss Universe 2002

Two days before the Miss Universe elections, a journalist from the Bolivian newspaper El Deber called me. She wanted my prediction of the winner. I asked her to give me the names of the favorites. I wrote down the names and nations they belonged to. The journalist wanted my answer within the next three hours. I did my psychic studies and after around one hour I knew that the winner is not one of the favorites but from a former Communist State in the East of Europe. he next day was an article about my prediction: MISS UNIVERSE will be white. The winner of the Miss Universe contest will from the east side of Europe. She is from a former Socialist Country. Not as expected a South American or a black or from India. The Bolivian candidate, Paola Coimbra I did not see among the finalists. Link to the interview
Nobody could belief when the winner of the night was from Russia! She wasn’t at all one of the favorites. For me this, of course, was no surprise. The next day the international Press wrote about the surprising winner and in several newspapers was mentioned that I foresaw the result. Link to the interview