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April 21, 2023

Dear Martin,

Thank you very much for your counselling yesterday (April 18, 2023).

I was so perplexed... the consultation was so full of important topics concerning my professional and private situation.

What really knocked my socks off was, after your analysis and psychic contact with my horse Dieffenbach, his behavior towards me changed completely.

Regardless of his pain, which you had analyzed, he was a different person towards me afterwards.

As if he could communicate with you and was happy that I "saw" him. I "talked" to him as usual, but now he was completely changed, as if a weight had fallen off him. He was able to communicate with me. Instead of cheekily nudging me "give food Madame" he looked at me with alert kind eyes and respectfully observed what my plan was now.

Of course, I now have a lot of work to do to keep it that way, but you have "thrown the rope over" ....

I am very very grateful to you, Martin!

Maike L.


(Original version in German)

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